Spring 2012
In Spring 2012, Grotta funded 12 programs a total of $152,900, to improve the lives of seniors. The programs are described below.
- Adler Aphasia Center Adler Aphasia Center at JCC MetroWest — This funding will support the establishment of a new Aphasic Center to be located at the JCC in MetroWest and launched May 2012. The Center will offer a range of therapeutic activities and is based on Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAA Project Group, 2001). In year one, 15-20 seniors are expected to participate and benefit from the program. The agency will partner with the JCC MetroWest, Kessler and St. Barnabas Medical Center.
- Dental Lifeline Network NJ (DLNNJ) — Donated Dental Services (DDS) for Essex, Morris & Union Counties- The coordinator, funded by Grotta will match low income seniors living in MetroWest with serious dental problems with dentists who volunteer to offer free dental care. Medicare and Medicaid do not cover this dental care. The lab and fabrication fees are primarily donated, and account for approximately $117,000 in donated services.
- Family Connections, Orange, NJ — Healthy IDEAS, Evidence-Based Depression Management- This second-year grant will expand the use of an evidence-based depression screening program, Healthy IDEAS, by training 20 additional clinicians, counselors, and case managers. Staff will be from both mental health and substance abuse programs. The program will serve 270 senior adults in Essex County by screenings and 135 with interventions to improve daily living skills and reduce depressive symptoms. The agency will coordinate with and mentor MCOHA (see below).and Medicaid do not cover this dental care. The lab and fabrication fees are primarily donated, and account for approximately $117,000 in donated services.
- Family Service of Morris County — FSMC Senior Collaboration and Intensive Geriatric Case-Management Program- Case managers will provide psychosocial assessments, intensive case management and referrals to area agencies for seniors with multiple mental and other challenges. Two professional education conferences will enhance knowledge and skills of social workers to address legal/financial and extreme hoarding issues. Now in its third year, this program will benefit by leveraged funding (HFNJ) and strong county collaborations. and Medicaid do not cover this dental care. The lab and fabrication fees are primarily donated, and account for approximately $117,000 in donated services.
- Foundation of UMDNJ — Essex County Heart Attack and Stroke Risk Reduction Project- Funding will support 4 Chronic Disease Self-Management (CDSM) workshops (6 sessions each) to train 45-60 seniors (1/4 will be Spanish speaking) how to better control their health. Funds will be used for personnel, medical supplies (to assess the effect of training on risk factors) and books. Results will be shared with NJDHSS and payors.and Medicaid do not cover this dental care. The lab and fabrication fees are primarily donated, and account for approximately $117,000 in donated services.
- HomeSharing — Shared Affordable Housing for Seniors - Union and Morris Counties- Funding will support staff to arrange 20 matches of "Providers"-residents who need to share expenses in their home with "Seekers" people searching for affordable housing, 10 each in Morris and Union counties. and Medicaid do not cover this dental care. The lab and fabrication fees are primarily donated, and account for approximately $117,000 in donated services.
- Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties Project Find— This program will provide extensive community outreach via depression screenings to identify seniors with moderate to severe depression, taking more than seven meds daily and/or with recent functional status changes. Funds will add a part-time RN to a Geriatric Social Worker/case manager team (from Wilf Campus) and collaborate with physician offices to promote care management.and Medicaid do not cover this dental care. The lab and fabrication fees are primarily donated, and account for approximately $117,000 in donated services.
- Morris County Organization for Hispanic Affairs Keeping Our Minds Healthy With IDEAS — Outreach workers will be trained and complete Healthy IDEAS assessments with 200 Hispanic clients in the Dover area, review readiness assessment, and arrange meetings with local primary behavioral healthcare and social services if needed. Primary outcomes include: increased community awareness, use of Healthy IDEAS tools for our bilingual community provision of behavior activation (BA) services to clients. Agency will collaborate with Family Connections in East Orange as well as Zufall Health Center. and Medicaid do not cover this dental care. The lab and fabrication fees are primarily donated, and account for approximately $117,000 in donated services.
- Neighbor to Neighbor Network Friendly Visitor/Food Delivery Program — NTNN's Friendly Visitor program matches isolated homebound seniors with trained volunteers who provide companionship, social contact, grocery shopping, errands, etc. The Food Delivery program organizes volunteers to delivery free groceries, including fresh produce and meat/poultry every week to low-income seniors who are unable to get to a food pantry.and Medicaid do not cover this dental care. The lab and fabrication fees are primarily donated, and account for approximately $117,000 in donated services.
- Prevention LinksThe Union County Senior wellness Initiative (UCSWI) — Funds will be utilized from this grant to implement 4 rounds of either the Wellness Initiative for Senior Education (WISE) or the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program. Both evidenced-based programs will incorporate concurrent opportunities for participants to engage in enrichment activities focused on physical and mental wellbeing.and Medicaid do not cover this dental care. The lab and fabrication fees are primarily donated, and account for approximately $117,000 in donated services.
- YMCA of Eastern Union County — The Brain-Body Connection- This request will utilize components of Mind Works evidence-based bi-weekly program to engage persons with early dementia in cognitive, physical, socially and emotionally stimulating and supportive activities. Seniors and care partners will demonstrate improved emotional status, stable/improved cognitive function and overall improvements in physical health and fitness. Other components: education and support on appropriate home improvement s and classes for caregivers. and Medicaid do not cover this dental care. The lab and fabrication fees are primarily donated, and account for approximately $117,000 in donated services.
- YM-YWHA of Union County Kitchen Equipment — To meet the needs of the Nutrition Site and expanded Kosher Meals on Wheels program (with JFS Central), the Y will purchase two commercial freezers to assure adequate storage space (one from Grotta) and one warming oven.
Fall 2012
Two grants were awarded in Fall 2012, for a total of $200,000. With this funding, tow of the initial year's grantees will expand their programs aimed at improved care of seniors through better care coordination and transitions from hospital to home and in home settings, and reduce unnecessary rehospitalizations.
- Agency: Holy Redeemer Home Care, NJ North “DBA” Visiting Nurse and Health Services, Inc.
Project: Care Transitions Collaboration– Year 2
Grant Period: October 1, 2012- September 30, 2013
Goal: Holy Redeemer and three collaborating health care settings will reduce rehospitalizations for patients with the chronic conditions of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) and/or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), employing the evidence-based model of care, the Transitional Care Model.
Partnership: Holy Redeemer Home Care, JFS of Central NJ and Trinitas Regional Medical Center - Agency: Newark Beth Israel Medical Center Foundation
Project: Newark Beth Israel Medical Center CHF Transitions Project
Grant Period: January-December 2013
Goal: The goal of this project is to continue to reduce the readmission rate of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) patients and focus on 100 high risk elderly patients with CHF, using the national evidence -based model, Project RED – Re-engineered Discharge. Using intensive case by case reviews and expanded role transitional care nurse (TCN) and pharmacist with patients, these goals will be achieved in year 2.
Partnership: NBIMC, Home Care Services, Saint Barnabas Health Care LINK, Patient Concierge, Saint Barnabas Health Care System, Chancellor Specialty Care Center