Research Publications on Age-Friendly New Jersey
Age-Friendly Community Initiatives
An overview of the initial development of nine age-friendly community initiatives in northern New Jersey. Based on interviews with initiative leaders, the report identifies two inter-related goals of the early planning phase: better understanding aging in the community and greater engagement of local stakeholders around aging. The report describes key activities in working toward these goals, as well as the role of diverse people and organizations in the early planning phase.
Emily A. Greenfield/Rutgers University – 2016
Age-Friendly Initiatives of Northern New Jersey: The Early Phase of Implementation
An overview of nine age-friendly initiatives in northern New Jersey during the early implementation phase. The report describes the initiatives’ activities and outputs across six domains, addresses the evolution of their leadership teams and community partners, and presents the concept of “gaining traction” to conceptualize their progress.
Emily A. Greenfield/Rutgers University – 2018
Research and General Interest Publications
AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities
AARP's network educates, encourages and promotes improvements that make communities supportive for residents of all ages. The network helps communities tap into research, planning models and best practices. This outline includes a 5-year program cycle for planning, action, assessment and continued implementation.
AARP - 2014
America's Health Rankings - Senior Report
This third edition of United Health Foundation's report demonstrates that determinants of health directly influence health outcomes, accounting for three-quarters and outcomes accounting for one-quarter of each state’s overall score and ranking. Four categories are included in the model of health: Behaviors, Community & Environment, Policy, and Clinical Care.
United Health Foundation - 2015
Age-Friendly Communities: Go Big or Go Home
This overview, produced for the Gerontological Society of America Public Policy Aging Report assesses the early success of the age-friendly community movement, and looks to identify trends, new directions and raise caution about the scope of the movement as well as the basic assumptions that frame current efforts in terms of long-term goals and sustainability.
Kathryn Lawler | Public Policy Aging Report - 2015
The Best of Both Worlds: A Closer Look at Creating Spaces that Connect Young and Old
To shed light on factors inhibiting the creation of shared sites in the United States, this report interviews staff and board members of intergenerational shared sites, real estate developers and national policy and program experts. This report identified four key phases in the development and operation of shared sites, and explores these phases and shares lessons learned from intergenerational shared sites around the country. Generations United/Eisner Foundation – 2019
Universal Design in Landscape Architecture
Universal landscape planning and design ensures people with disabilities can better participate in public life. These principles, which build off The Center for Universal Design’s principles, should guide the planning and design of all public spaces, regardless of intended audience.
American Society of Landscape Architects – 2019
Silver to Gold: the Business of Aging
A report from the Summit on Business and the Future of Aging, for the Milken Institute. “Businesses have a golden opportunity to tap into the longevity economy through technology and other solutions, ranging from new ways to communicate to financial management strategies, to health and day-to-day living products and services. Each generation will design its own path through the longevity economy. We all need to recognize that when aging is viewed as a win, we all win.”
P. Irving, R. Beamish, A. Burstein/Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging – 2018
The Case for Age-Friendly Communities
As the population ages, the movement toward age-friendly communities is growing, In the U.S. in 1900, 4.1 percent of the population was 65 or older. In 2015, this figure was 14.5 percent. By 2020, it is expected to increase to 16.1 percent, and by 2050, to 20 percent—one in five Americans.
Margaret B. Neal, Alan Delatorre/Grantmakers in Aging – 2016
Webinar: Age-Friendly Housing: Promoting Health Spaces for All Ages
This webinar, co-presented by the International Federation on Ageing (IFA) and the World Health Organization (WHO), features WHO’s health and housing guidelines and the winners of the WHO-IFA-Grantmakers In Aging (GIA) contest that sought innovative age-friendly models for housing and aging in community from around the world.
New Jersey Longevity Economy
People over 50 contribute to the economy in outsize proportion to their share of the population. The Longevity Economy is the sum of all economic activity in New Jersey that is supported by the consumer spending of households headed by someone age 50 or older—in New Jersey as well as exports to other states. Oxford Economics/ AARP – 2015
Aging and the National Prevention Strategy
Aging and public health organizations share many related goals, but have not traditionally worked closely together. In the context of today’s growing aging population and shrinking public resources, it is more important than ever to identify ways to leverage and align efforts across these two disciplines.
Philadelphia Corporation for Aging – 2014
Atlanta Regional Commission’s Lifelong Communities Initiative: Creating Communities for All Ages and Abilities
Creating a Livable Community
This guide was created to help local community leaders, residents, students, and more identify new ways to address community challenges, implement programs that enhance lives across all generations, and create a livable and positive environment for community members.
Generations United/MetLife Mature Market Institute – 2013
Creating the Healthy Community
This report contains best practices from a range of conventional institutions that have expanded their activities to help improve health and wellness in their community. Each example listed emphasizes at least one of the following constituencies: distressed communities, at-risk youth, and the vulnerable elderly population.
Partners for Livable Communities – 2013
Assessment, Evaluation, and Sustainability
Background on the Age-Friendly Movement
AARP and the World Health Organization promote age-friendly communities and a global network of cities working to better meet their older residents; needs.
American Society on Aging – 2019
Guiding Principles for the Sustainability of Age-Friendly Community Efforts
Grantmakers in Aging brought together national and international leaders in the age-friendly movement to explore a variety of issues related to the concept and to its sustainability. The framework presented here is an key outcome of GIA’s Community AGEnda initiative to increase age-friendly activities in selected U.S. regions.
Grantmakers in Aging/Pfizer Foundation – 2015
Strategy for Improving the Sustainability of Aging in Community Initiatives
The GenPhilly model was developed in Philadelphia, PA, to inspire and engage emerging leaders to promote and sustain an aging-in-community agenda. Peer-led, GenPhilly encouraged young professionals to capitalize on cultural and career opportunities, while considering the type of community in which they want to get older. Kate Clark/Journal of Aging & Social Policy - 2013
Livable Community Indicators for Sustainable Aging in Place
This report defines an indicator system for measuring a community’s strengths for enabling residents to age in place. The report looks at housing and transportation, walkable and safe neighborhoods, emergency preparedness, and health care, as well as access to shopping, healthy food, and opportunities to participate in community life.
Stanford Longevity Center/Mature Market Institute – 2013
Selected Highlights from American Communities
In 2012, Grantmakers In Aging (GIA) launched Community AGEnda to help American communities become great places to grow up and grow old. With funding from the Pfizer Foundation, GIA made grants to five community organizations to help accelerate their age-friendly efforts. Here are some of the highlights from the first year of work by Community AGEnda’s local partners.
Community Agenda / Grantmakers in Aging – 2012
Planning Tools & Start-Up Resources
Green Streets for All: Model Complete Streets Policy
Guidance from AARP
In addition to information about joining the AARP network of Age-Friendly States and Communities, the website includes an extensive library of publications, resources, tools and guidebooks for livable communities.
AARP – 2019
Creating An Age-Advantaged Community
Generations United and MetLife Foundation have worked with, encouraged, and learned from intergenerational communities across the United States. From this work, GU has developed a series of resources to help communities become all-age-friendly. The result is this toolkit for building intergenerational communities that recognize, engage, and support all ages.
Generations United - 2013
Making Your Community Livable for All Ages: What's Working!
Key strategies for effectively developing Livable Community initiatives. The report draws from the experiences of local communities that have taken major steps forward as well as those that have struggled.
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging - 2015
Aging in Community Policy Guide
The American Planning Association approved its Aging in Community Policy guidelines in 2014, calling for the creation and integration of housing, land-use, transportation, economic, social service, and health systems that support a high quality of life for people of all ages and abilities, while ensuring that older community members are not put at risk of social isolation, poverty, declining health, and poor economic wellbeing.
American Planning Association - 2014
Sidewalks and Streets Survey
Too many communities in the United States are designed for automobile travel, with very little consideration given to the needs of walkers. Lack of sidewalks, construction of sidewalks too close to roads, and lack of maintenance are all factors that discourage people from walking regularly. You can help make walking safer by teaching small groups to take simple “walkability” surveys. Once people rate an area and identify concerns, the group can take action to improve walkability. This toolkit will help you do that.
Create the Good/AARP – 2014
Talking About Age-Friendly Communities
You can use the thinking and the language here in a variety of ways: to create more effective messages or talking points, shape brochures or other printed materials, and even frame public communications campaigns. However, the sample language offered here is best viewed as a guidepost. You should always adapt these messages to meet the unique and/or local requirements of your situation, audiences, or broader effort.
Grantmakers in Aging/Pfizer Foundation – 2014
Age-Friendly Communities: A Blueprint for Success
What makes an age-friendly city? It’s a place that meets the needs of its citizens in all stages of their lives — a great place to grow up and grow old. There are lots of ways to make your community more age-friendly. Here are eight ideas.
Grantmakers in Aging/Pfizer Foundation – 2014
Communities for All Ages Idea Book
Grantmakers In Aging Toolkit
"Aging Power Tools" is a curated selection of resources to promote stronger, age-friendly communities. This toolkit offers a practical framework, with references and associated resources and materials, that any funder, community, planner, or team can use to launch or broaden their age-friendly initiative. This document points to a wealth of materials that funders, local governments, and community groups can use to move ahead.
Grantmakers in Aging/Pfizer Foundation - 2013
Laying the Foundation for an Age-friendly Philadelphia: A Progress Report
Age-friendly Philadelphia is a planning and research agenda initiated by Philadelphia Corporation for Aging (PCA) to help older adults remain healthy, active, and engaged in their communities for as long as possible.
Kate Clark/Philadelphia Corporation for Aging – 2011
Global Guide to Age-Friendly Cities
This project is a starting point for the establishment of a larger global network of age-friendly communities. Conceived in June 2005 at the IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, this report shares the results of focus groups that led to the development of this set of age-friendly city checklists.
World Health Organization - 2007
Age-Friendly Cities Checklist
This checklist of essential age-friendly city features is based on the results of the WHO Global Age-Friendly Cities project consultation in 33 cities in 22 countries. The checklist is a tool for a city’s self-assessment and a map for charting progress. This checklist is intended to be used by individuals and groups interested in making their city more age-friendly.
World Health Organization - 2007
A Blueprint for Action: Developing a Livable Community for All Ages
Additional Material—Need to Place
Evaluating Your Age-Friendly Community Program: A Step-by-Step Guide
The AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities encourages communities to pledge and commit to becoming good places to live for people of all ages, young and old alike. This guidebook, developed by the Portland State University Institute on Aging, serves as a blueprint for communities to document and evaluate their progress in becoming more age friendly. Margaret B. Neal/AARP - 2014
Network of Age-Friendly Communities Toolkit
This self-service guide and tool kit is part of AARP's resources in support of its Network of Age-Friendly Communities and shows how communities can work with AARP through this World Health Organization-affiliated program. AARP - 2015
This questionnaire, created by AARP for their Livable Communities efforts, is an excellent starting point for surveying of community residents, their current and future needs and expectations as they age and retire.
AARP - 2014
Age-Friendly Community Assessment
Grantmakers in Aging collected assessment tools from a variety of sources to help funders assess the age-friendliness of their communities and guide future action. These tools can be used to engage stakeholders in funder efforts to make communities work better for older people. GRANTMAKERS IN AGING/PFIZER FOUNDATION - 2014
Strategies for Age-Friendly Community Proponents
Building support for age-friendly communities can be difficult. Part of the challenge is communicating effectively about this promising, but complex, idea with a wide variety of community stakeholders. This report reflects the experience and research of Grantmakers In Aging and its age-friendly initiative, Community AGEnda, but also of several national age-friendly networks and local project sites. GRANTMAKERS IN AGING/PFIZER FOUNDATION - 2014
Gather: The Art and Science of Effective Convening
This guidebook is for social change leaders who understand the power of convening the right group of people, and who believe that collective intelligence trumps individual smarts when it comes to solving shared problems. MONITOR INSTITUTE/THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION - 2013
Planning Tools for Elder-Friendly Communities
Indiana University's AdvantAge Initiative is a community-building effort focused on creating vibrant and elder-friendly communities and encouraging municipalities to prepare to meet the needs and nurture the aspirations of older adults, while creating livable communities for people of all ages. This guidebook serves as a communications toolkit to help advocates frame the narrative in their communities for effective engagement and action. JOHN BEILENSON/INDIANA UNIVERSITY - 2010
Community Planning for Aging Well
This toolkit introduces the aging-well community planning process, offers strategies for engaging boomers, and explains how best to position your overall aging well planning effort for success. CENTER FOR CIVIC PARTNERSHIPS/PUBLIC HEALTH INSTITUTE - 2010
Aging and Livable Communities
The American Planning Association offers a treasure trove of online resources, designed for planners and researchers seeking an interdisciplinary, annotated bibliography of pertinent literature about Americans' growing desire to remain in their homes and participate in their communities as they age. This list highlights articles, events, and publications from the American Planning Association and other experts in the field. AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION - 2015
More Additional Stuff
Best Cities for Successful Aging - Report
In 2012, the Milken Institute issued its first "Best Cities for Successful Aging" report assessing the quality of life and services in for aging populations across America's metropolitan areas. This is report is the 2014 follow up to the initial survey. MILKEN INSTITUTE - 2014
Age-Friendly:What Does It Look Like?
The photos shared in this infographic are the prize-winning entries from the Friendly Places, Friendly Faces Photo Contest, organized by Grantmakers In Aging's Community Agenda initiative and funded by the Pfizer Foundation. The 2014 contest received more than 500 entries from 29 different countries, and they all expressed the heart of an age-friendly community in a unique way. GRANTMAKERS IN AGING/PFIZER FOUNDATION - 2014
Age-Friendly Communities Primer
The movement to create great places to grow up and grow old in America has its roots in development models that pushed back against the isolating, car-dominated suburban landscape of the 1950s and 1960s. This primer looks to frame the basic questions around creating age-friendly communities and developing strategies for implementing and sustaining related programs. GRANTMAKERS IN AGING/PFIZER FOUNDATION - 2013
Lifelong Communities Encouraging Healthy Lifestyles Handbook
The Atlanta Regional Commission supports the Lifelong Communities principles and design standards through its comprehensive regional plan, and has created the Lifelong Communities Framework - and included it in this handbook - to help guide the development of communities where individuals can live throughout their lifetime. ATLANTA REGIONAL COMMISSION - 2013
Creating an Age-Friendly NYC
Age-Friendly New York City is a collaborative partnership between the Mayor’s office, the New York City Council and The New York Academy of Medicine, aiming to make improvements enabling older New Yorkers to remain independent and engaged in the life of the city, for as long as possible. This toolkit provides a framework for residents to establish aging improvement districts in their local communities. AGE-FRIENDLY NYC/THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE - 2012
Lifelong Communities: A Regional Guide to Growth and Longevity
This report summarizes the Atlanta Lifelong Communities Charrette, which developed plans for multigenerational design, model standards and zoning codes, and regional development principles. ATLANTA REGIONAL COMMISION - 2009
Village Sustainability Study
This report describes the national trend in which villages have emerged as models for community aging initiatives, exploring perceived challenges to sustainability, and successful strategies for responding to those challenges. It also presents information regarding the racial, ethnic, and economic characteristics of village members, challenges associated with recruiting under-represented groups. EMILY GREENFIELD/UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND - 2014
Karen Alexander
Managing Director of NJTIP @ Rutgers
Voorhees Transportation Center
Rutgers Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
(917) 943-6005
Expert on travel-transportation options for seniors, Aging in Place
Jeanne Anthony
Sr. Project Manager - Education & Outreach
AARP Livable Communities
601 E St NW, Washington, DC, 20049
Office: (202) 434-2430 | Email: | Web:
AARP Age-Friendly Communities expert
John Beilenson
SCP (Strategic Communications & Planning)
(610) 687-5495
Communication to build engagement and support; how to look at communications to inspire your community
Charles Brown
Senior Research Specialist
Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center
Rutgers Voorhees School of Transportation
(848) 932-2846
Complete Streets expert
Nancy J. Erickson
New Solutions, Inc.
(732) 418-3210
Community Needs Assessments expert
Emily A. Greenfield, PhD
Associate Professor
Affiliate of the Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, & Aging Research
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Office: 536 George St.; New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: 732-391-4986
Evaluation, Age-Friendly Community Development and NORC expert
Eden N. Kyse, Ph.D.
Director, CREEHS
Graduate Program Coordinator, Certificate in Program Evaluation
Center for Research and Evaluation on Education and Human Services (CREEHS)
University Hall 3124
Phone: (973) 655-7045
Bob McNulty
Partners for Livable Communities
1429 21st Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 887-5990 ext. 108
John Migliaccio, Ph.D.
Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Institute
Cell/text: 914-912-5394
Asset mapping expert
Mia Oberlink
Senior Research Associate
The Center for Home Care Policy and Research
Visiting Nurse Service, NY, Director
Technical Assistance Resources Center
Community Innovations for Aging in Place
Age-Friendly Community Development and Assessment expert